Thursday, April 29, 2010

Eviction Date Set!

So, if this little one does not decide to come on his or her own, we will start the eviction process Tuesday May 18th - either at midnight or 6:30 am depending on how things look before that. Today, was just a standard doc appt with weight, BP, measurements and heart beat. Baby's heart beat was mid 150's today. The doc was stuck at the surgery center and I had the girls with me, so I saw the PA. We skipped the internal this week (my choice). No need for added questions from the kidlets. So, 5 days until my birthday, 10 days until Mother's Day, 16 days until my due date, 19 days until baby's eviction and 30 days until our 6 year anniversary. Looks like a busy month ahead of us!

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